Group of operators control process on product line uses industry 4.0 and digital technology on modern factory. Two engineers follow assembly process uses SCADA system which AI technology and UI

Top 9 Questions to Ask When You Are a Project Manager Researching Construction Data Tracking Software

1. Is there project size or contract size requirement to use this technology tracking platform? When purchasing construction data tracking software, you will want to make sure that it will fit whatever size project or contract you have (especially if you purchase InSight at the...

The InSight Minute: Strengthening Communities By Making a Bigger Pie

We have a rare and exciting opportunity in our country right now, and we’re struggling a bit with how to write about it.  With everything so politicized, sometimes it’s difficult for all of us to see the significant wins even when they’re right in front of us.  So, we’re going to just...

Business intelligence concept. Buinessman using laptop for busin

Wage Theft – What To Look For and What To Do When You See Something

Wage theft is a broad phrase commonly used to describe worker misclassification, as well as wage and hour violations. The U.S. Department of Labor enforces the Fair Labor Standards Act, but many states are increasing their focus on this issue and have stronger wage theft laws. Wage...

Is Wage Theft More Prevalent in the Construction Industry?

There has been an increased focus on wage theft in states and jurisdictions throughout the U.S.  In order to be better advocates for ourselves and others, we should all be educated on what wage theft is and why it is relevant to your firm and projects.   What is Wage Theft?...

The InSight Minute: Wage Theft

We can all agree that “an honest day’s work deserves an honest day’s pay.”  Unfortunately, millions of workers across the country are victims of wage theft and don’t receive the full benefits of their work.  Moreover, general contractor’s who may be completely unaware that wage theft...

The InSight Minute: Labor Day Reflections

As we continue to navigate the effects of the COVID pandemic, businesses have confronted the challenges and opportunities left in the pandemic’s wake.  For example, the Great Resignation has created an opportunity for employees and employers to re-think, re-train, and refine what an...

Top 8 Questions to Ask When You Are Researching DE&I Tracking and Labor Compliance Software

What you should know when searching for DE&I Tracking and Labor Compliance Software.

Amplifying Construction DEI Strategies Using Technology

Power Construction’s implementation of SkillSmart’s InSight technology on more than two dozen projects has allowed them to track workforce and business data and provides a clear view of how and where Power is able to make the biggest impact in the community. Power...

Top 8 Questions to Ask When You Are Looking for Certified Payroll Reporting Software

What firms and general contractor’s should know before purchasing certified payroll reporting software for your business.

SkillSmart and Dragados USA – OHL USA to Partner on Maryland’s Purple Line Project

SkillSmart was selected by the new design-build consortium for Maryland’s Purple Line project. This project will require thousands of workers across 100+ subcontractors and their tiers. As part of the project, all companies must comply and demonstrate compliance with the established...

7 Things to Know About IIJA

Our team took the opportunity to highlight nearly all of the areas that the construction industry either should be focused on or are already getting a head-start on elevating these areas within their organizations and how SkillSmart’s technology platform, InSight, can help your firm...

WH 347’s What Data is Needed and How SkillSmart Can Help You Collect It

Correctly Submitted WH 347’s – What Data is Needed? And Here’s How SkillSmart Can Help Your Firm Collect It. Incorrectly reporting certified payroll leads to serious consequences from the IRS. But many companies completing a WH347 form are misidentifying staff without even knowing it....