Hudson Yards Powers New Neighborhood with First-of-its-Kind Hiring Initiative

Public-Private Partnership Already Responsible for Hundreds of Job Placements with Hundreds More Expected in the Coming Months
Hudson Yards announced details about the creation of the Hudson Yards Hiring Network, an innovative public-private collaboration designed to identify and recruit talent from New York’s most in-need populations. The initiative has already placed hundreds of New Yorkers in new jobs and expects hundreds of more jobs to be filled over the next few months. Companies and buildings in Related Cos. and Oxford Properties Group’s 28-acre development will bring more than 55,000 jobs to the west side neighborhood, and developers, along with their public partners will continue to recruit applicants from The New York City Housing Authority, as well as veterans, formerly incarcerated and homeless individuals, and people with disabilities.
Jay Kriegel, Senior Advisor of Related, who joined Fred Knapp, Executive Director of Hudson Yards Manager, to bring this network to fruition, praised the unprecedented partnership, “We are grateful to our 22 public and private partners for joining us in the initiative, the Hudson Yards Hiring Network. Together, we have developed a customized screening system for all job applicants which instantly matches them to available jobs. We are especially grateful to SBS/Workforce1, which is providing a single intake and screening for all job applicants; to SEIU 32BJ, which will provide most of these new workers with high quality benefits, training, support services and representation; and to our private sector partners, SkillSmart, Canon, G4S, ThinkFood Group and Guardian.”
Hudson Yards estimates that, over the next six months, upwards of 600 new jobs will be filled to provide essential services at the development, plus hundreds of additional jobs at restaurants and other campus businesses. Recruits from the hiring network, referred by the 22 agencies participating in the Hiring Network, are being given priority in filling these new jobs, most of whom will be represented by SEIU 32BJ, one of the City’s leading unions.