Experts share their advice for your job search

As job seekers we tend to seek the advice of successful individuals in order to determine where we can improve.
Susannah Snider’s article “10 Experts Share the Best Career Advice They Ever Received” helps job seekers find advice from a who’s who list of successful individuals within various professions.
Though some of the advice pertains to what one must do after they obtain the job four of Snider’s interviewees give relevant seekers advice.
Treat everyone as a potential employer.
Debra Lybyer, director of career and advising services, Lewis-Clark State College in Idaho tells us to treat everyone as a potential employer. Do not close any doors for we do not know where a chance meeting or relationship can lead to.
Research the position and company.
Rob VanDorin, associate director of career services and employer relations, Central Michigan University implores the job seeker to do research about the company and position that you want to fill. This lets the potential employer know how serious you are about the job.
Don’t limit your search.
Bob LaBombard, CEO of GradStaff explains that one should not be limited by the field of one’s college degree. Individuals should actively seek jobs that excite them, or jobs they have skills to succeed in.
Never give up!
And finally, Jude Miller Burke, author of “The Millionaire Mystique: How Working Women Become Wealthy – And How You Can, Too!” has possibly the simplest advice, although at times it can be the most difficult to do, never give up! Burke explains that many have failed on the road to success however your drive will push you in the long run.
The full article is worth a read, a few times over. Good luck in your search, and let us know if you’ve received other tips worth sharing with our SkillSmart community!
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