FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SkillSmart Selected for Village Capital’s Education: US 2017 Program

SkillSmart has been selected to participate in Village Capital’s Education: US 2017 program focused on helping higher education providers, private companies and other initiatives invested in workforce development initiatives.
According to a 2013 Gallup report, only 11% of employers think that graduating students have skills that fit their needs, and studies find that up to 96% of employers are unhappy with their labor pools and new hires. Comparatively, job seekers and employees want to build the right skills for the job, but struggle to identify the skills they already have, where to go to fill in the gaps with the ones they need and how to prove mastery to employers.
Village Capital and Lumina Foundation, along with an ecosystem of partners, will support each Education: US 2017 participant by:
– Supporting and investing through its collaborative venture development program
– Facilitating partnerships between startups and strategic partners
– Providing analytics, financial and technology resources
Companies selected as Education: US 2017 cohorts are focused on career skills building and validation, or intend to expand their services to fill those gaps, specifically companies that:
– Bridge the gap on credentialing and skills-based learning for students in higher education and adult education
– Focus on rethinking credentials and qualifications in order to better match careers and build skills
– Provide innovative solutions to skills and training for workers in order to help them get their first job, move up in their career, or start a second career
For further information, read more from Village Capital or contact Jason Green at 240-498-4492 or