MGM Resorts International constructed a new, world-class casino and resort in Springfield, MA that would employ 3,000 new workers. This casino was being developed as an economic development anchor serving to revitalize the City center. SkillSmart provided it’s Seeker platform to work with MGM to connect with local community-based organizations, local community colleges, and Springfield Public Schools to identify the skills required for the new positions and implement training programs to engage prospective workers to ensure they had the necessary skills prior to seeking employment. By Opening Night the new facility was fully-staffed, local-hiring requirements had been met, and residents using the Seeker platform and working with community-based organizations for their training were twice as likely to be hired than applicants coming through traditional hiring modalities.
Client | MGM Resorts International
Location | Springfield, MA
Project Value | $900M
# of Workers to Employ | 3,000
Seeker | Seeker was deployed for this project to support MGM’s goals for connecting with local community-based organizations, local community colleges, and Springfield Public Schools to identify the skills required for the new positions. The software helped to identify and implement training programs to engage prospective workers to ensure they had the necessary skills prior to seeking employment.